IDEAS: For things to do


IDEAS: For things to do


Creating for the sake of creating, without a goal in mind is new to me. Giving myself space to play with ideas through unfamiliar forms has been healing. These forms included writing a manuscript for a very personal book, hours of studying West African dance, painting a series of vessels, making psychedelic collages and being intentional about experiencing what is right in front of me. I wasn’t focused on producing anything specific.

Altering the pace of my life helped. Allowing myself to spend hours of uninterrupted time in a mental fantasy space built a juicy softness and flexibility, right for creating without judgment.

Spending my time differently, noticing details in a new way and observing the sensation of existing with a less regimented mindset led to many different ideas for ways to spend my time.

My first tangible piece to come out of this period is fittingly called IDEAS: for things to do. IDEAS is presented intentionally in a loose format that I hope to continue to create under.

It’s comprised of eight low-key mini adventures that anyone can replicate or riff off of to experience the beauty of what exists in front of you. My short writings begin with some ideas about how to prepare, where to go, and then, offer a mindset to consider.

These adventures are just a small survey of ways I’ve spent time over the last year. Noticing the world around me, using the resources in front of me, making small moments special, being in my body, connecting with community and remembering how much beauty we can access in the smallest moment if we teach ourselves to look for it.

The format is casual… Fold this thing up, put it in your backpack, keep it in your glove compartment, tape it to the back of your bathroom door, roll it up and put it in your fanny pack.

IDEAS is a digital product that can be downloaded and color-printed double-sided on paper of your choice and folded like a map for easy use.

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